Camp Don Lee Discipline Policy

The staff at Camp Don Lee desires that every camper has a successful and safe Christian camp experience. We are committed to building a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all campers where everyone treats one another with respect and dignity. 

Campers are expected to use appropriate language (no profanity, sexual topics, racist topics) and in general, avoid language or behavior that diminishes others. They are expected to cooperate with the staff and follow directions, including Covid-19 procedures, respect other children and staff, equipment, facilities and themselves. They should maintain a positive attitude and stay with their groups. If a child or youth has problems with any of these objectives, counselors will work with them to overcome it. If we continue to have challenges in these areas during the time the camper is attending camp, we will contact the parents or guardians to enlist their assistance. If the camper behavior does not immediately improve, the camper may be sent home before the end of their session. Behaviors that may result in immediate dismissal from camp include any action that could threaten or pose a direct threat to the physical/emotional safety of campers and staff, including abusive jokes, slurs, threats, name calling, bullying or intimidation, fighting, possession of a weapon of any kind, vandalism or destruction of camp property or someone else's property, sexual misconduct, possession or use of alcohol or other controlled substance, leaving assigned cabin after lights out (11 p.m.) other than to use the bath house and immediately return to assigned cabin,  and other gross misconduct.