Kate Metts
Phone: 252-249-1106 x 23
Email: kate@donleecenter.org
Kate has been the director of Don Lee since the summer of 2015. She was a camper and summer staff member before pursuing a career in journalism. Since making the change to Don Lee, Kate has led many projects including the addition of 5 new cabins, the Environmental Education Center, East End Bathhouse and the Anna Blair Watson Medical Center. Kate’s favorite thing about camp is watching campers and staff grow in their faith!

Katie Lilly
Assistant Director
Phone: 252-249-1106 x 27
Email: katie@donleecenter.org
Katie stepped into the role of A.D. after leading the EE program here at Don Lee from November of 2017 through December of 2024. While never a camper, Katie did work in the spring and summer seasons of 2016 and 2017. Additionally, Katie is the current President of the board of NC Association of EE Centers. Her favorite camp activity is N’ishing- specifically with the marine science campers!

Julia Royall Johnson
Administrative & Program Specialist
Phone: 252-249-1106 x 21
Email: julia@donleecenter.or
Julia was summer staff in 2017 and then the Youth Director at Ann Street UMC. Now back at Don Lee one of Julia’s main responsibilities is to help parents and families sign up for summer camp! She also runs our social media and is always posting awesome photos of camp and staff shout-outs. Her favorite activity is to swim in our unique pool pond, she loves to see the turtles and fish in there and the overall experience of our pond is so fun!

Charlie Johnson
Program Specialist - Retreats
Phone: 252-249-1106
Email: charlie@donleecenter.org
Charlie was a LIT here at Don Lee in 2018 before joining summer staff. After graduating college Charlie joined our leadership team in 2023 as Male Head Counselor and in 2024 was our Summer Camp Coordinator. He now connects churches and other groups to camp through our Retreats program and keeps the camp store stocked! His favorite thing about camp is singing camp songs in the dining hall or around the campfire!

Reverend Caitlin Delamar
Faith Formation Coordinator
Phone: 252-249-1106
Email: caitlin@donleecenter.org
Reverend Caitlin Delamar has her masters from Duke Divinity school and was CDL’s Duke Divinity intern in the summer of 2014. She spends each summer working with our campers to help grow their faith and for our multi-week campers to develop their own worship services! She also helps lead retreats such as Confirmation and Middle School Girls. Her favorite part of camp is Sunday Worship in the summer!

Captain Tanner Lilly
Waterfront Coordinator
Phone: 252-249-1106 ext. 34
Email: tanner@donleecenter.org
Tanner was a long time camper before he first started working at Don Lee in the summer of 2015. Since that summer, Tanner worked as a seasonal staff member for the EE Program, Retreat and Summer, he officially joined the Full-Time team in 2020. He is responsible for all water activities here at Don Lee and is a Coast Guard certified Captain, an ARC Lifeguard Instructor and volunteer firefighter. Tanner’s favorite part of CDL is all the wildlife!

Kathryn Wynne
Communications and Recruitment Coordinator
Phone: 252-249-1106 x 22
Email: kathryn@donleecenter.or
Kathryn joined the Don Lee Full-Time team in the summer of 2021 having first worked here as a counselor in 2017 and as Outreach Coordinator on the summer leadership team in 2018. She plays a huge role in hiring and developing our summer staff as well as training our LIT’s for our day camp program, Voyages. She loves Morning Watch at Vesper Dell and when the kitchen staff make chocolate chip cookies!

Mo Greene
Kitchen Manager
Email: mo@donleecenter.org
Mo has worked at Camp for over 10 years and she has given our Dining Hall an excellent reputation for the best camp food ever! Her team works non-stop to keep our school groups, retreat groups and summer campers fed and they do an amazing job! She even has her own catering business, Mama’s Home SoulFood. Her favorite thing about camp is watching Mrs. Sam dance to the campers singing in the Dining Hall !

Woody Spruill
Maintenance Coordinator
Email: woody@donleecenter.org
Woody grew up in Pamlico County and started working at Don Lee after he retired from the Marine Corps. He is in charge of keeping camp safe, our drinking water clean and mowing the 30+ acres of grass every summer. Without Woody and his maintenance crew camp would fall apart! He is an early riser and loves to be at camp in time to watch the sunrise!