Special Family Preparations for Summer 2020
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we prepare for camp. At Don Lee our top priority is the health and safety of our campers and staff. We want to make sure we are following the guidelines set forth by the American Camp Association (ACA) and their partnered organization, Environmental Health & Engineering Inc. (EH&A), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and our state and local government and health officials. In order to achieve this, we need your help. Below is a chart that lays out what we need families to do in order to keep camp safe this summer.
Camp Don Lee - COVID-19 - Family Preparations |
Now: |
If you have a child at a higher-risk of severe illness:
- Speak with your child’s medical provider to assess their risk - Higher risk individuals as defined by the CDC: CLICK HERE
Two weeks before camper arrives at camp: |
- Monitor your camper’s health daily including symptoms and temperatures
(Symptoms: CLICK HERE)
- CLICK HERE for the 14 Day Pre-Camp Health Screening Form. Bring this completed form to camp on opening day
- Limit trips to highly populated areas
- Practice social distancing, mask wearing, and wash hands frequently
When it’s time to pack: |
General camp packing list can be found HERE
- Pack your campers items in under the bed storage bins (see here) and other easy to carry containers that can be wiped down
- Pack two sets of bedding (in addition to sleeping bags)
- Pack at least two face coverings (masks)
- Pack all toiletries in a caddy or container (example here)
Upon arrival: |
- Wait to arrive at camp until it is your designated check-in time
- Stay in your vehicle and camp staff will check your family in
- Participate in more detailed initial camper health screenings
- Turn in the two week pre-screening form
- Campers will place and keep their items only in designated area in their cabin
- Be available to answer phone calls from camp
Camp Don Lee COVID-19 Procedures
Camp Don Lee will follow the Field Guide for Camps set forth by the American Camp Association (ACA) and their partner organization, Environmental Health & Engineering (EH&A.). This guide uses the protocols outlined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO.) We are also in communication with our state and local government and health officials. As always, our highest priority is the health and safety of our campers and staff. Healthy campers are Happy Campers!
Here are some of the new things we’ll be doing this summer to help prevent the spread of germs at camp:
- Bathhouses will be cleaned multiple times a day
- Cabins and buildings will be cleaned by trained adult staff members
- Cleaning products used will be those recommended by the EPA
- The recommended amounts of cleaning supplies and PPE for the number of staff and campers that will be present this summer have been ordered
- Posters and signage will be in all bath houses and buildings as friendly daily reminders for campers and staff
- Don Lee has always practiced small group camping and will continue to do so
- As recommended by ACA and EH&E there will be only 1 small group in each cabin
- Each of these small groups will travel and participate in activities together and not with another group
- Campers will participate in activities outside as much as possible and campers and staff will be required to use face coverings when indoors as necessary
- Campers and staff will bring appropriate face covers to camp and Camp Don Lee will provide additional face covers
- Staff will lead small group demonstrations on the best practices to prevent spread (hand-washing and sanitizing, social distancing, coughing etiquette and camps COVID-19 policies)
- Campers will undergo daily screening to check temperatures and symptoms presented due to any illness
- A separate medical building has been set aside for any campers or staff who exhibit any symptoms of illness
- Assigned Drop-off and Pick-up times for each camper (scheduled by Don Lee staff)
For further questions or information please explore the following links:
COVID-19 Info