Dear Camp Family,
We hope you and your family are well and safe. These are extraordinary times - you've been homeschooling, working remotely and stockpiling toilet paper - things we could not have imagined when we were registering for camp in the Fall. Please know you and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers as we've all adjusted to this new reality.
We also know camp is on your mind and we cannot thank you enough for all of your support. Like you, we are continuing to closely monitor developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and make adjustments: from cancelling our spring school group and retreat season for thousands of participants, to understanding recommendations for screening people and sanitizing facilities, and considering various possible scenarios for our summer camp programs.
As we approach the Summer, we want to update you on our decision-making process and status moving forward. Establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy camp community remains our top priority. The American Camp Association (ACA) is working with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to develop specific guidance for day and overnight camps, and we will follow their guidance when it becomes available. We will also work with our state and local health officials as they lay out the conditions with which we will have to follow. We also will consult with our Summer Medical Staff who understand specifically how we operate to make sure we are delivering the camp experience in a manner that is safe for campers and staff.
By mid-May, we hope to share broader updates regarding our Summer plans. Per earlier communication with parents, we have extended our deadline for final camp payments until May 15th. Should we need to alter the camp schedule or cancel summer camp sessions due to COVID-19, we will offer a number of options to camper families, including refunds. We remain hopeful that camp can be delivered this summer!
For those of you who are on the frontlines of this crisis: a special THANK YOU for your service during these challenging times.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have specific questions or concerns at info@donleecenter.org or see our website for additional information.
Grace and peace,
He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.
-Deuteronomy 31:8