Dear Camper Families,
Thank you for all your calls and emails this week as we continue to gather information on safely operating camp this summer. We miss you. Camp has been far too quiet for too long!
While our early information suggested we would have most of the guidance needed to discern a way forward for summer by now, it became apparent this week there is still more to come from the American Camp Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and then, the state of North Carolina and our local health department. In the meantime, we are using the guidance we do have to prepare to offer summer camp that not only meets all the recommendations, but exceeds them where we can. As always, safety for our campers and staff is our top priority.
Thus, we want to extend the deadline again for final payments from families to June 1st so you have ample time in this uncertain environment of COVID-19. Based on current guidance, we recommend any campers with underlying conditions, including diabetes, autoimmune disease, or respiratory conditions, should consider not planning to attend camp this summer due to potential serious illness from the virus. Please email me at kate@donleecenter.org and we will work with your family on options for your camper.
At this time, please know our intention is to offer summer camp programming this year. It may look a little different, but we would like to offer the ministry to our campers and staff if we believe we can do it safely.
If you have questions, the best way to reach us is at info@donleecenter.org. Please be patient as our staff is working reduced hours. It may take 3-4 days to hear from us, depending on our work schedule.
He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.
-Deuteronomy 31:8