We know avoiding mix-ups and loss with your camper's gear and not going through a huge lost and found pile is important to you! The best way to ensure campers leave camp with what they brought is to have their stuff labeled prior to arriving.
For summer camp we partner with Mabel's Labels to help alleviate this growing issue of Lost & Found items at camp and be a part of a unique fundraising opportunity for Camp Don Lee at the same time (20% of all orders comes back to camp to help fund our Campership program)!
CLICK HERE for more information about Mabel's Labels
Please make sure that all of your camper’s items are clearly marked with first and last names.
If you or your camper have left something behind, please fill out the lost item form and we will do our best to retrieve your item and return it to you. Any Lost & Found items that are unclaimed will be held for two weeks and then donated to charity.
It is estimated there are 350 Lost & Found Items left behind by their owner each summer. Don't let your items add to this avoidable number!
Another way to avoid Lost & Found items is to send your camper with a small bag to carry their personal items in around camp. A draw string bag or small book bag are popular choices. We also suggest you talk with your camper about making sure they keep track of their items.
Our staff help campers gather their items when leaving any location and are trained to help campers make sure they have everything that is theirs. It is ultimately your campers responsibility to keep up with all of their belongings while at camp. Please make sure your camper's items are ALL clearly marked with their first and last names. Again, we highly recommend using Mabel's Labels to personalize and mark your camper's belongings.