Now that our children and youth are at home with us more than usual, we thought our families would enjoy a peek at the summer curriculum. We are sharing with you today a devotion you and your family can do together.
Read scripture & discuss: Luke 19:1-10
• How does it feel to be rejected or not welcomed to an event, community, or place?
• Who feels welcomed, or very comfortable hanging out with our family?
• What events have individuals or the whole family been invited to that felt special?
• What do your teachers do at school to make you feel welcome?
• Returning campers: What does the staff at Camp Don Lee do to help you feel welcome?
Prayer activity:
Together make a cover for your Family Prayer Journal. It can be as creative and colorful as fits the members of your family. Date the first page. Have family members agree on a central location to keep the journal. Place pens near the journal and assign each person a color. They will only write in that color. Date the first page and invite your family to write their prayer requests and whatever details they would like to add.
Invite each member to take some time throughout the day or week to look over and pray for the requests. Encourage each other that no concern is too great or too small and no request or prayer of thanks will be ridiculed. After your family gets the hang of it, they can take turns making a theme for the day.
For example, praying for family members, the community, the earth, Camp Don Lee, the church, healthcare workers, our leaders. Share your ideas together. If inspired, send us a photo of you and your family or a page from your prayer journal.