Heres a step by step guide on how you can join in to help camp reach our goal of $100,000 to build a new staff house!
- Go to our main fundraising page (Click here)
- Click the button "I Want To Fundraise For This"
- Chose the option "Create a Team"
- Give your team a name (Ex: LIT 1 2016, Sail Staff 2010, Sail Masters of the 90's)
- Add a team logo or picture, a group picture is always a fun one! Most fundraising goals would be $75 but of course if you want to do a different amount that is allowed. Suggest an amount for each team member to donate. And type a description about your group!
- You're ready to start fundraising! You can view your team page and either share the page or copy the link and send to all your group members.
Thank you for your support of this ministry! We hope through these group fundraisers you are able to reconnect with past friends and coworkers. Sail on Sailors!
As we celebrate 75 years of CDL, we ask you to prayerfully consider donating to camp, specifically towards the construction of a new staff house which is original to camp. If you would like to donate, read below to learn more. Donations can be made online but will also be accepted the day of our 75th Anniversary Celebration.
Throughout the 75 history of Camp Don Lee, the Staff House has been a haven for thousands of staff members beginning with summer staff and extending to seasonal and even year-round staff. The quiet and personal space of this dwelling has provided rest and relief (and a few exciting card games) over the years for our hard-working employees. Over time, air conditioning has been added, repairs and even refurbishing the aging structure have occurred. Yet, at this time, more is needed.
Our talented and energetic staff are what make the Don Lee experience welcoming, unique and transforming to children and youth every year. The staff house, built around 1948, is now in critical need of replacement as further repairs and/or renovations are just not enough for this aging building. Year-round programming, serving approximately 10,000 people, has grown so that occupancy in this building by staff is constant.
We have been awarded a $25,000 grant from the United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries, which has been matched by 3 generous donors. Now it’s time for everyone to join in and match the $50,000 by October 21—the date of our 75th anniversary celebration at Camp Don Lee.
Our programming is popular, but it’s our staff that really sets the experiences apart. We must be able to attract and retain staff in this highly competitive job market to ensure the continuity of this ministry. Our ability to provide quality housing for young college students and recent graduates at a time when housing choices are limited in our area is vital to our future.
You can participate in three ways: pray for this campaign that hearts will be moved to see this need and respond to it; give a one-time donation online at our website; or create your own fundraiser through our website, challenging former staff and staff groups, like sailing, counselors, or LIT groups. This is a wonderful way to reconnect with your Camp Don Lee friends.
Thank you for your support of the Camp Don Lee ministry, where we share the love of Jesus Christ through the wind and the water at this place God has blessed and blessed so many for 75 years. Sail on Sailor!
But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is in Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11