Summer Staff- wouldn't spend their summers anywhere else! - Don Lee Camp and Retreat Center

Summer Staff- wouldn’t spend their summers anywhere else!

Interested in Waterfront Staff?

Take a look at this video production highlighting a typical day on the water!

Interested in Lifeguarding?

Take a look at this video production highlighting a typical day at the pool!

Interested in Outdoor Living Skills?

Take a look at this video production highlighting a typical day working in nature and around Camp

Interested in a career in Health Care?

Take a look at this video production highlighting a typical day in the Med Hut.

Michael Edge

Camper (2010-2021) Staff (2022)

“The constant interaction with my faith at camp has allowed it to grow unlike any other time in my life. Anyone that has attended [camp] can attest to the extreme presence of God at Don Lee. He isn’t only recognized in times of worship, but instead, his presence is seen through the wind in the sails, the sky, the trees, and most importantly, the people. Camp has allowed me to develop my faith into something that is personal to me, through challenging experiences and relationships with others.”
“Camp is a place where you're able to make new friendships every single day. There isn't anywhere else where one is able to develop themselves in an environment as supportive as Don Lee. The warm smiles that greet you are genuine and every person you meet is willing to stick by your side, helping you through any challenges you may be facing, both inside and outside of camp. I believe God shines through every staff member and camper a little brighter once you pass the gates.”
Michael started camp as a one-week camper, moved through traditional tweekers to sailing tweekers, completed the Mariner and Navigator programs, and graduated from LITs.
Michael’s big smile, encouraging and energetic personality, and desire to make the most out of everything he does, perfectly captures the Don Lee way!
His one piece of advice for someone interested in working at Camp Don Lee -- “Prepare for Don Lee to consume your entire life. After working for even just one week you are sure to never stop thinking about camp, talking about camp, or trying to find your way back to camp.”

Katie Glass

Camper (2009-2017) Staff (2018-2022)

“As a camper, I always admired Don Lee staff members and aspired to be just like them, from their contagious joy to all the ways they poured into our lives. I knew this community of people wasn’t one I was ready to give up when my time as a camper came to a close and wanted to be able to give back to the place that’s given so much to me!”
From a traditional one-week camper to a sailing tweeker, to M1, and finally LIT 1, Katie Glass is a perfect example of a staff member who knows Camp Don Lee!
“Camp Don Lee means a lot to my family and always has. It’s a place where we’ve encountered God both in nature and Christian community, grown in our faith and confidence, and established some of our most special friendships. It truly is a place God has blessed, and I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t be who I am today without this place and the generations of people who’ve made it so special.”
For those of you who know her, it is a joy and honor to be around her. From her contagious smile to her never-ending love of both Christ and others, Katie Glass has been a huge part of the Don Lee community!
Her one piece of advice for someone interested in working at camp --- ”Do it!! Give it your all and don’t take one minute for granted.”

Elliott Enslen

Camper (2003-2015) Staff (2019-2022)

“Growing up going to camp each summer was something I looked forward to all year. The older I got the more I began to look up to the staff and hope to be in their position one day. After completing LITs in 2015 and taking a few years off from camp I returned on staff in 2019. Camp has always been such a special place for me from the constant reminders of God’s presence while out on the water to the community of such great people. Working at camp has allowed me to grow my faith in so many ways and helped me become the person I am today.”
Elliott, once a weeker, tweeker, mariner and LIT, served on the leadership team this past summer as the Trip Coordinator. In this role, he was able to work with groups of campers to prepare for overnight trips located at many sights around Eastern North Carolina. He also attended these trips, many having early wake-up calls and late nights! Elliott loved it and that’s why we love him!
He loves camp because of “The strong relationships you build by sharing a good experience with others.”
His piece of advice for someone interested in working at camp -- “Do it!”

Connor Dail

Camper (2016-2020) Staff (2021-2022)

“Camp has helped me grow a lot closer to God. Every time I’m there I can feel my faith strengthening every single day. God can be found everywhere at camp and it’s so easy to feel his presence through not only the place but also the people there.” Connor Dail, who, if you know him, will put a smile on your face. His energetic and outgoing personality makes him a great staff member and a favorite among campers. He was a camper for five years, starting out as a one-week camper, moving to tweekers, Mariners, and Graduating from LITs in 2020. He came back to work on staff in 2021 and 2022 and had some of the most energetic groups we have seen. He loves camp because you “Meet people you’ll be friends with for the rest of your life"