Keep in touch with your camper by sending Bunk Notes so you can keep up with what they are doing! We will continue to keep posting photographs of your camper in action so make sure you browse the photo galleries while your camper is at Don Lee.
- Returning Parents will be able to use their existing Bunk1 email address and password.
- New Parents will need to log into their accounts using the email address associated with their UltraCamp account and the Invitation Code: 20DLC25
- We highly recommend the Bunk1 Mobile App as an easy, convenient way to access camp photos and stay in touch with your camper. We will send push notifications when new content is uploaded and the app can be used to send Bunk Notes this summer, too!
The Bunk1 Mobile App is available on iOS and Android devices.
Check out the link below for our 2024 Quick Guide on the Bunk1 Programs offered at Camp Don Lee.
CLICK HERE to see all of the Bunk1 services available via app or computer.
One-Way Emails to Campers (Bunk Notes):
Campers can receive emails from parents through our Bunk1 service. Each account includes 3 free emails to send to your camper. After 3 emails, there is a small processing charge.
Send Bunk Notes day or night. We receive a pdf at 8:00am EST each day containing all Bunk Notes received in the last 24 hours. Bunk Notes are printed once daily (usually around 9:00am) and delivered with the regular mail after lunch.
-A Bunk Note sent after 8:00am is printed and delivered the next day, except on Fridays which are printed/delivered the next Monday for multi-weekers (Friday is check-out day, Sunday is check-in day). Bunk Notes are not delivered on Saturday or Sunday.
Viewing the Online Photo Gallery:
The ONLINE PHOTO GALLERY is a great way for parents to save memories from camp and not worry about their campers having to take pictures while they are here. Pictures are uploaded at least once a day, beginning around 5:30pm and continues until around 9:00pm, depending on the night time activities. Please do not worry if you do not see new pictures of your camper. We have limited internet and our photographers usually wait until the end of the day to upload new pictures. If you share a photo from Bunk1 to a personal social media account the hashtag #campdonlee will also be included.